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Thursday, September 22, 2011

TeXstudio-2.2 on Slackware64

Today, I have upgraded TeXstudio (formerly TexMakerX) from 2.1 to 2.2 release version (released on 2011-07-20). I need this LaTeX Editor for writing my dissertation report. For the new features, release notes, screenshots, etc., please refer to its website. I downloaded the source code from this link. It needs Qt (at least 4.3), libpoppler, and TeX packages (don't worry, they can be found in l (or deps for Qt if you are using Eric's KDE compilation packages) and t directory for Slackware/64) for compilation.

The compilation process is very easy:
  • extract the source files from tarball
  • enter to texstudio source directory
  • # qmake
  • # vim Makefile.Release  (or, use your favorite text editor to edit Makefile.Release)
  • make sure /usr/lib64 is written on LIBS (see Figure 1)
  • # make
  • # make install

Figure 1: Makefile.Release

It should be no problem in compilation. Enjoy your TeXstudio!

Figure 2: TeXstudio-2.2 is running on Slackware64

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