Hi Readers,
This week, I got a bunch of wma files from my friend and I want to convert all into mp3 format for a reason (if you are linux user, you have known what my reason is). After I search on internet, I found a simple script from Linux Questions that can be used for converting wma format to mp3 format. For making this script works in your system, you need mplayer (already in slackware package) and lame (you can find slackbuild scripts for lame on http://slackbuilds.org). In order to make me comfortable when using this script, I make a little modification on this script, that is:
current_directory=$( pwd )
#remove spaces
for i in *.wma; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done
#Rip with Mplayer / encode with LAME
for i in *.wma ; do mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm:waveheader $i && lame -m s audiodump.wav -o $i; done
#convert file names
for i in *.wma; do mv "$i" "`basename "$i" .wma`.mp3"; done
#add spaces as origins (if there are spaces)
for i in *.mp3; do mv "$i" "`echo "$i" | tr '_' ' '`"; done
rm audiodump.wav
Just put this script on the same directory of your wma files then run it. All of your wma files will be converted to mp3 files.
I hope this script and my little modifications can help you converting your wma files to mp3 files.
Thanks so much, this works great!
Thanks a lot!! This would be a nice tutorial:)
I made a few modifications for changing files in nested directories:
for f in $(find "$musicDir" -name '*.wma' | tr ' ' '@' );
filename=`echo $f | tr '@' ' '`
cp "$filename" "$backupDir""`basename $filename .wma`"
#mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm:waveheader "$filename" && lame -m s audiodump.wav -o "`echo $filename | sed 's|wma|mp3|'`";
rm "$filename"
echo "`echo $filename | sed 's|wma|mp3|'`";
rm audiodump.wav
it will search in $musicDir and backup the wma's to $backupDir
Wow .. thank's for sharing your modification.
is the mplayer supposed to be commented out there?
also if you replace musicDir="/storage"/storage/backupWMA/""/storage/backupWMA/"
/music" with musicDir=$1 you can pick the starting dir. Prolly be best to replace "/storage/backupWMA/" with $2 as well so you can pick the backup dir as well
lol, your modification just tries to backup atm. If the backup folder does not exist it just deletes every file without backup.
You commented out the conversion line, so nothing will be converted.
It's a script to lose all your files lol.
Thank you for sharing this useful code.
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