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Monday, December 31, 2012

AMD Catalyst Patch for kernel-3.7.x

It has been 5 months! I didn't upgrade the AMD Catalyst driver and also the kernel (I sticked with kernel 3.4.x). This week, I got time for upgrading the kernel to 3.7.x and also trying to install AMD Catalyst 12.10. As usual, the fglrx module of AMD Catalyst 12.10 could not be compiled smoothly because of incompatibilities between kernel 3.7.x and this fglrx module. Fortunately, I found the patch from arch linux (also as usual ... :) ... my favorite place for searching any patches) from this link then I make a little bit modification. You can download it from my google docs link.

How to patch?
I used the following steps to install AMD Catalyst-12.10 for kernel 3.7.1 (of course, you just change the kernel directory on these steps if your kernel version is not 3.7.1) and patch the fglrx module:
  • change directory to the path where the installer is
  • run the installer as root (superuser): 
  • # ./
  • follow the instructions, at the end of installation process you will get notice that there are some errors.
  • exit the installer
  • at console, copy the patch file (fglrx-3.7.patch) to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/
  • (optional, if you don't find version.h in /lib/modules/3.7.1/build/include/linux) Make symlink of version.h
  • # ln -s /lib/modules/3.7.1/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /lib/modules/3.7.1/build/include/linux/version.h
  • change directory to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/
  • patch the fglrx source:
  • # patch -p0 < fglrx-3.7.patch
  • compile the fglrx modules:
  • # ./
    # cd ..
    # ./

  • reboot.
Enjoy your AMD Catalyst-12.10 running on linux kernel 3.7.x.


Anonymous said...

I found that the catalyst driver would not even get to the installed with errors part. So what I had to do was to make the symlink of version.h first before it would consider installing. After this though your instructions worked ok.

Anonymous said...

I found that the catalyst driver would not even get to the installed with errors part. So what I had to do was to make the symlink of version.h first before it would consider installing. After this though your instructions worked ok.

Anonymous said...

# ./ --force

lystor said...

Works perfectly with catalyst 13.1 and kernel 3.7.5.
Thank you

lystor said...

Works perfectly with catalyst 13.1 and kernel 3.7.5.
Thank you

Vi+ said...

The "hyper transport sync flood error" crashes kernel and reboots box with this patch for both 12.10 and 13.1 ATI catalyst drivers on 3.7.6-201.fc18.x86_64 ... :-(

Anonymous said...

Tried with kernel 3.7.9 and ati 13.1. Sorry to report this does not work now.

Unknown said...

Thanks to lystor and anonymous for your information. Anonymous, I hope I can verify as soon as I have time. Vi+, really sorry I cannot help you since catalyst 13.1 and kernel 3.7.6 work perfectly on my laptop.

Unknown said...

Dear Henry,

Very many thanks for sharing your knowledge and tips on making the AMD Catalyst driver work. I applied your suggestions and patch and got my system (kernel 3.7.9 and AMD Catalyst driver 13.1) working like a charm.

Unknown said...

it works with kernel 3.17.8?

Unknown said...
